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27th Conference


on 07 - 08 of March 2018 the 27th Conference on "Rheology of Building Materials" took place at the OTH Regensburg.




Proceedings have been published with the title  

"Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen 2018" English/German

  • Hardcover 28,00 €  ISBN: 978-3-7469-1879-2
  • Paperback 18,00 €  ISBN: 978-3-7469-1878-5
  • e-Book 2,99 € ISBN: 978-3-7469-1880-8

"Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen 2018" von Markus Greim


07.03.2018: Colloquium

welcoming by the President of the OTH Regensburg Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Baier


Presentations / lectures:

Prediction of Oil Well Cement Rheology Using a Mathematical Model
Prof. Dr. Ghada Bassioni
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Screed Additives - Mode of action and application
Dr. Roland Augustin
IBF Institut für Baustoffprüfung und Fußbodneforschung, Troisdorf, Germany

Gel formation capacity in mortars using mineral rheological additives under shear stress and the influence of dispersion
Alberto Fernadez-Ibarburu, Pedro Diaz del Castillo, David Gonzalez
Tolsa, Madrid, Spain

Advance Rheology modifying Admixture (ARMA) for concrete applications
P. C. Frias de Leon, D. C. Amago, J. M. Gomez Gomez
Tolsa, Madrid, Spain

Repeatability and reproducibility of measurement of rheological parameters of fresh mortars and concretes
Prof. Dr. Jacek Gołaszewski
Silesian University of Technology / Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice, Silesia, Poland

Priority Program DFG SPP 2005 - Rheology of reactive, mulitscale multiphase construction materials
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine, Dr. Egor Secrieru
Institute of Construction Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Assessment of rheological effects in the binder on the rheology of mortar
Sarah Leinitz
BAM Berlin, Deutschland

Contribution of the coarse aggregates to rheology - effects of flow coefficient, particle size distribution, and volume fraction
Dr. Wolfram Schmidt
BAM Berlin, Deutschland

Mischungsstabilität fließfähiger Betone - rheologische Messungen zur Bestimmung des Einfusses von Leim, Mörtel und Gesteinskörnung
Ch. Begemann, D. Cotardo, T. Schack
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Baustoffe, Hannover, Germany

Ein Vorschlag zur einfachen Bestimmung der Fließgrenze nicht-newtonischer Fluide als phydikalischer Parameter zur Charakterisierung fließfähiger Baustoffe
Prof. Dr..-Ing. Jürgen Quarg-Vonscheidt, Katharina Sosinka
HS Koblenz, Germany

Pumping behaviour of modern concretes
Dr. Egor Secrieru
Institute of Construction Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Squeeze flow of cement-based mortars: assessment of pressure distribution by dynamic mapping
Fábio A. Cardoso, Franco A. Grandes, Victor K. Sakano, Andressa C.A. Rego, Rafael G. Pileggi
Dept. of Construction Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Investigation, assessment and realtime readjustment of the rheological fresh concrete properties of SCC
Ivan Paric, Markus Greim, Wolfgang Kusterle
OTH Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.

High-performance fine-grained concrete in the injection process
Ludwig Hertwig, Philipp Ulbricht, Prof. Holschemacher
HTWK Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig, Germany



08.03.2018: Workshop

Laboratory Workshop, Thursday, 8 March 2018
  • Thermal conductivity measurement on building materials, Henry Taubmann, C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik GmbH
  •  SLIPER - Determing the Pumping Capacity of Concret. Maria Thumann, OTH Regensburg
  •  Concrete Rheometer eBT-V, Dr. Helena Keller, Schleibinger Geräte
     Oscillation measurements on Mortar and Fresh Concrete, Markus Greim, Schleibinger Geräte


Attending Fees

The conference and the workshop including the conference coffee breaks and lunch are free.
Hotel, evening dinner etc. must be covered by the participants. 


Please fill out the registration form and fax or mail it to


At the University Regensburg your contact is: 

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kusterle

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg 
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen 
Galgenbergstr. 30

93053 Regensburg, Germany

phone.: +49 941-943 1349
fax.: +49 941-943 1429


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