21st Conference
On February, 29th and March, 1st 2012 the 21. conference on "Rheology of Building Materials took place in Regensburg Germany at the University of Applied Science. More then 120 participants has been in Regensburg in 2012. Twelve presentations has been given about measurement and control of the flow properties of mortar, fresh concrete, UHPC, SCC, steel fiber reinforced concrete and similar materials.
Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen Tagung und Workshop an der Hochschule Regensburg 2012 |
As far as contributed by the authors, all presentations will be published on this web-site. You may find the papers of the last years here
A report about the 2011 conference was published in the BFT magazine 05/2011
A short conference report was also published at the CPI magazine 01/2011
Click on the blue presentation title to see the presentation as pdf.
- "Welcome and Opening"
Professor Dr. Josef Eckstein
President University of Applied Science, Regensburg; Germany
- "Simulation based optimization of steel fiber concrete"
Dipl. Chemie-Ing. (FH) Norbert Leiss
Gruppe Betontechnologie & funktionale Baustoffe Abteilung Baubiologie, Bauchemie und Hygiene, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik Institutsteil Holzkirchen, Germany
"Development of a consistency measuring method for quality control of salt-concrete"
Dr. Hans-Joachim Engelhardt
DBE mbH Endlagersicherheit, Peine, Germany
- "Rheological measurements in a cone mixer for controlling the fresh concrete properties"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Garrecht, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing (FH) Christian Baumert , Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Karden MBA BEng
TU Darmstadt, Institut für Massivbau, Fachgebiet Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, Darmstadt, Germany
- "Technological and economical approach towards rheological optimised concrete for sub-Saharan African countries"
Wolfram Schmidt, Akindehinde Ayotunde Akindahunsi, Nsesheye Susan Msinjili, Hans-Carsten Kühne, Herbert Uzoegbo
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung- und Prüfung, Berlin, Germany and
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Don Quixote and the rheology of building material. Looking back into the future
Dr. Gerhard Wolter
Tillman bv, Chemische Baustoffe, Megchelen, Netherlands.
- "Quo vadis cement? - no longer without rheology!"
Dr.-Ing Ditmar Hornung,
Dyckerhoff AG, Wiesbaden, Germany (as pptx file)
- "Rheology of scc mortar with different superplasticizers. Introduction of polyphosphonic superplasticizer"
Dr. Luka Zevnik
TKK Srpenica d.d., Srpenica, Slovenia
- "Measuring and adjusting rheological parameters during the mixing process"
Lars Nyholm Thrane, Niels H. Nielsen
Convi ApS, Odense, Denmark
- "The concrete rheometer BT for measuring the rheological properties of SCC - Features and further developments"
M.Eng. Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Florian Fleischmann
Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
- "The rheological properties steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete"
Dr. Tomasz Ponikiewski
Katedra Inżynierii Materiałów i Procesów Budowlanych Wydział Budownictwa, Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland
- "Investigation of workability using the BT2 for different fillers and superplasticizers for the production of precasting elements"
Örjan Petersson, Civil.ing, tekn.lic
Strängbetong, Stockholm, Sweden
- Rheological properties of repair mortars and stone replacement materials Tests with the Würpel-Aparatus
Peter Ramge, Hans-Carsten Kühne
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung- und Prüfung, Berlin, Germany
- "An Investigation on the Relation Between Rheological Properties of the Fly ash/Cement Based AAC Mortar and Product Properties"
Dr.M.Serhat Başpınar, Kocatepe University, Faculty of Technology, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Non-metallics Div. Afyonlarahisar, Turkey
Colloquium Tuesday, February, 29th, 09:30am..4:30pm, Campus Galgenberg