
Schleibinger Testing Systems

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Mortar Probe V0011

Standard mortar probe made of hardened stainless steel. This is used for mortar with a maximum particle size of 2 mm . Using of a scraper is recommended for this probe. For relative measurements of Bingham fluids. Built in temperature sensor. Weight 41g








Cement Paste Probe V0013

Paste ProbeCement paste probe made of stainless steel. This probe is used for cement paste and mortar with a maximum particle size of 0.5 mm.
Compared with the mortar probe the sensitivity is about 10 times higher. For relative measurements of Bingham fluids. Built in temperature sensor. 








Modified Cement Paste Probe V0003

Modified Cement Paste Probe

formed like the standard cement-paste-probe, but for suspension up to 2 mm of max. grain diameter. For very fluid mortars, like SCC mortars or self leveling underlayments. For relative measurements of Bingham fluids. Built in temperature sensor RTD PT100 1/3 DIN B








Scraper V0021


Scraper made of hardened stainless steel. Strongly recommended for mortar.


Cylinder Probe V0070

Cylinder Probe

Cylindrical formed test probe for the Viskomat NT. Including beaker, and probe. Couette system according to DIN 53019. diameter 50mm, bottom cone formed, delta = R_outer/R_inner = 1.0847, gap size 2.12 mm, specimen volume 127.7 ml. Beaker height 150mm,  At 100 rpm and 200 Nmm: shear rate 129.08 1/s, shear stress 570.4 Pa, viscosity 4.42 Pa*s.
This probe is recommended for Newtonain fluids and and slurries with a maximum grain size of 0.2 mm, if you need a defined shear stress and you are sure that no wall slipping or segregation will occur with your specimen.  Including RTD for temperature measurement.
Net weight 2.3 kg












Plate Cone System V0002

cone plate system

specially developed for tile-glue like specimen and similar sticky mortars. Fits best for speeds between 0 and 0.5 rpm. Diameter of the cone: 100 mm, Minimum gap size 5.09 mm.











Basket Probe V0014

basket probe

 invented by Prof. R. Vogel, Weimar. Double gap system  with a net formed surface. Specially developed for self compacting mortars. Including special vessel and calibration certificate. Use this if you need a defined shear rate and you if your material has no segregation.  More info here!










Sphere-Probe-System V0007

With three spheres 10 mm, 20 mm und 30 mm diameter. Special vessel 140 mm diameter, inner height 80 mm. Probe and vessel made of stainless steel. For experiments regarding the segregation stability of fresh concrete. Max. torque 640 Nmm.  







Vane-Probe V0004 with Special Vessel V0005

Probe with 6 wings, diameter 40 mm, height 60 mm. Vessel with inner diameter of 100 mm, inner height 110 mm. This kind of probe is an approximation to  a cylinder/cylinder geometry following the theory of reiner and Rivlin as well as Barns and Ngujen. . 














Beaker for Temperature Control V0009

Vessel for temperature controlA double wall beaker, so that the measurement beaker is running in a water bath, which was circulated by an
external cooling/heating unit for example unit V0019, net weight 2.2 kg





Circulating Cooling and Heating Unit V0019

cooling unitUnit for cooling and heating water incl. a circulating pump. Temperature range 0..65 °C, Deviation better then 0.2 K, digital temperature control unit with digital LED display, air cooling, cooling power 300W at 20°C, heating power 1.0 kW, circulation pump rate max. 18 l/min, max. pumping height 3mWS, main power 1.2 kW, wxdxh 35x44x53 cm, net weight 25,3 kg



Shear Stress Controlled Drive V0006

Shearstress controlled measurement. You can run torque ramps ore torque-steps, angel-ramps or angel-steps. The torque is measured with a resolution of 0.1 Nmm. The angel is measured with an resolution of 0.01°. Internal resolution 0.001°


Oscillation-Mode for the Viskomat NT V0030

Oscillation mode: max. amplitude 3.6°, max. frequency 5 Hz. Hint: the standard probes are not symmetric

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Last edited: May 11, 2022, 13:13
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