21st Conference


On February, 29th and March, 1st 2012 the 21. conference on "Rheology of Building Materials took place in Regensburg Germany at the University of Applied Science. More then 120 participants has been in Regensburg in 2012. Twelve presentations has been given about measurement and control of the flow properties of mortar,  fresh concrete, UHPC, SCC, steel fiber reinforced concrete and similar materials. 


Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen Tagung und Workshop an der Hochschule Regensburg 2012 



As far as contributed by the authors, all presentations will be published on this web-site. You may find the papers of the last years here

 A report about the 2011 conference was published in the BFT magazine 05/2011

 A short conference report was also published at the CPI magazine 01/2011


Click on the blue presentation title to see the presentation as pdf. 


Colloquium Tuesday, February, 29th, 09:30am..4:30pm, Campus Galgenberg